The M.A.G.I.C. Ingredients Hurley
Consultants Ltd.
Using "THE M.A.G.I.C. INGREDIENTS" in Consultancy, Training and Keynote Speaking

Based on the practical experience and knowledge gained over 25 years in manufacturing management at the leading edge of technology, Hurley Management Consultants Ltd. has a clearly defined mission to "Influence" employer and employee attitudes and behaviors so that the full human resource potential of the organization can be realized.

Our belief is that to achieve long term sustainable success in the 21st. century 'Human Resource Leadership' in all business processes offers the greatest potential for competitive advantage.

We offer customized consultancy in the following areas listed below. A number of the areas have articles written by Tony Hurley, Managing Director of Hurley Management Consultants Ltd  about them, To view the the article click on the highlighted title of the area you are interested in.

Cards - Customer is king

As part of the unique presenting techniques, HMC uses the above magical effect to show how the ‘Customer is King’ and ‘Predictability of Processing’ are key to manufacturing excellence".

Creating a Learning Organization For Companies and Organizations seeking sustained success continual change, re-engineering and organizational renewal are essential. To achieve these goals creating a culture and environment where continual learning is encouraged, fostered and rewarded should be a key ingredient in the strategic plan with measurable metrics.


T.Q.M. is an evolving cultural revolution in the workplace not a collection of tools and techniques to solve problems. Read more on TQM.



"....The need to educate/train employees in the need for "Change" is getting more and more acute and should be a prerequisite for any organization with serious intentions of remaining competitive into the next century..." Read more on Change Management

Many Companies have the mistaken belief that any form of Continuous Improvement Programme (C.I.P.) is better than none at all but nothing could be further from the truth. A Continuous Improvement Programme ill-conceived and/or improperly introduced can be much more detrimental that not introducing a C.I.P.

Read on by clicking here

Continuous Improvement
Empowerment "EMPOWERMENT" can only succeed in an environment where the desire for empowerment is greater than the desire for power. However, the worst method of seeking to implement empowerment is by abdication of management responsibility i.e. "from next Monday onwards you are an empowered workforce"...... Read more on Empowerment

In many Companies "Manufacturing" is the most neglected business process, it is often viewed by senior management as a simple "Input/Output" process. This attitude and behavior is all too often reflected in the lack of provision of the required resources and with scant recognition for achievement of results but with zero tolerance for failure. This form of management has obvious consequences for employee relations and morale. The concepts, tools and techniques of World Class Manufacturing offer an exciting alternative.

Class Manufacturing
Customer Satisfaction

In order to satisfy your customers you must ‘Understand" their requirements. To gain this "Understanding" it is necessary to change from the "Product-Out" mentality to a "Market-In" mentality.

Employees should not be deprived of the opportunity and responsibility of being involved in improvement activity. All employees should be educated and trained in the dual purpose of their contribution at work, performing daily tasks and involvement in continuous improvement activity.

Employee Involvement
Human Resource Leadership

There is no neutral gear in Employee Relations, the Employees are either going forward with the Company or in on for more on Human Resource Leadership

A doctor may prescribe pain killing medication to ease the suffering of the patient while he carries out his investigation/diagnosis to identify the "root cause". He should not however continue indefinitely to treat the symptom he should eliminate the cause of the pain. The same approach should be taken by business professionals when faced with a problem, first "containment" to protect the customer and then "problem resolution" utilizing the methodology/tools and techniques of T.Q.M. ....Read on for more on Problem Solving


A systematic successfully proven approach to identification of ‘Gaps" in Training and Knowledge Management Systems.

Essential tools & techniques for ‘Process Analysis’, ‘Improvement Activity’, ‘Process Re-Engineering’, ‘Activity Based Costing (A.B.C.)’ etc.

Treat the cause not the symptonThis magical effect used during speaking events is used to emphasize that we must eliminate the ‘Root Cause’ not treat the ‘Symptom’.

Hurley Management Consultants Ltd.
Co. Limerick,
Tel : +353-(0)61 355595
Mobile :  086 8340444
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